Register now
Please download and complete the Registration Form below and submit to Silver Stars by e-mail to
General Policy
1. Language:
Silver Stars has separate classes for Afrikaans and English as well as dual medium classes where each child will be spoken to in his/ her preferred language. We will endeavor to use both languages in school. Children older than 3 years must be able to understand either English or Afrikaans and use one of the languages at home.
3. Registration:
A Re-registration fee of R500 per child per year is payable and this includes some of the visiting shows (walk inns.)

A non-refundable enrolment fee of R3500 per child is payable with admission and this includes a mattress cover, 1 tag and a most of the Educational walk inns. To register a second or third child the Registration is R1750 (Non-refundable) and includes a mattress cover and a few of the walk inns.

2. School Policy
The menu for our wholesome daily-prepared meals and out of our dedicated kitchen is displayed on notice board and is available at reception. Therefore, please do not send any lunch / snack box with your child.
4. Notices:
One Calendar month (30 days) notice is required. The month of November is not regarded as a notice month. If you selected the 12 months option and you give notice in November you agree that you will be liable for the payment of the school fees for the month of December, although the preschool will be close for part of the December holiday. All Grade RR pays over 11 months, from January until the beginning of November.
5.1 Daily Activities (0-1 Years):
07h00 – 08h00
Arrival / activities set out on tables / carpet
08h00 – 08h15
08h15 – 08h30
Check diapers, wash faces and hands
08h30– 09h00
Stimulation (Art/Sensory/Fine and Gross Motor)
09h00 – 10h00
Sleep (older kids don’t sleep carry on with stimulation)
10h00 – 10h15
Milk (4-12 Months)
Bread: older babies
Change diapers
10h15 – 11h30
Outside play
11h30 – 12h00
12h00 – 13h30
Afternoon Nap
13h30 – 14h00
Diaper routine
14h00 – 14h30
Snack (Bread)
Snack (Fruit)
15h30 – 16h00
Late nap (if baby wants to sleep)
16h00 – 17h15
Outside play and diaper routine

Nappies will be changed throughout the day and more snacks given if necessary

5.2 Daily Activities (12-18 Months):
07h00 – 08h00
Arrival / activities set out on tables / carpet
08h00 – 08h15
08h15 – 08h30
Check diapers, wash faces and hands
08h30– 09h00
Free Play
09h00 – 10h00
Stimulation (Art/Sensory/Fine and Gross Motor)
10h00 – 10h15
Snack, Change diapers
10h15 – 11h30
Outside play
11h30 – 12h00
12h00 – 13h30
Afternoon Nap
13h30 – 14h00
Diaper routine
14h00 – 14h30
Snack (Bread)
Snack (Fruit)
15h30 – 17h15
Outside play and diaper routine

Nappies will be changed throughout the day and more snacks given if necessary

5.3 Daily Activities (1-2 Years):
07h00 – 08h00
Arrival / activities set out on tables / carpet
08h00 – 08h30
Breakfast & diaper routine
08h30 – 09h30
Activity time – Bible, music, fine & gross motor
09h30– 10h00
Diaper routine
10h00 – 10h15
Bread and Juice
10h15 – 11h30
Outside play
11h30 – 12h00
Lunch & fruit; Diaper routine
12h00 – 13h30
Nap time
13h30 – 14h00
Wake up, diaper routine
14h00 – 14h30
Outside play
14h30 – 14h45
Bread & juice / rooibos tea
14h45 – 15h00
Diaper routine
15h00 – 17h30
Outside play, fruit

Diaper routine and potty training will be throughout the day

5.4 Daily Activities (2-3 Years):
07h00 – 08h00
Arrival / activities set out on tables / carpet
08h00 – 08h30
Breakfast & diaper routine
08h30 – 09h30
Activity time – Bible, music, fine & gross motor
09h30– 10h00
Bread & Juice / rooibos tea, Diaper routine
10h00 – 11h00
Outside play
11h00 – 11h30
11h30 – 12h00
Lunch & fruit; Diaper routine
12h00 – 13h30
Nap time
13h30 – 14h00
Wake up, diaper routine, snackie
14h00 – 14h30
Outside play
14h30 – 14h45
Bread & juice / rooibos tea
14h45 – 15h00
Diaper routine
15h00 – 17h30
Outside play

Diaper routine and potty training will be throughout the day

5.5 Daily Activities (3-5 Years):
07h00 – 08h00
Arrival / activities set out on tables / carpet
08h00 – 08h30
Breakfast & toilet routine
08h30 – 10h00
Activity time, music, gross motor development, sensory Play, etc.
10h00– 10h15
Sandwiches & Juice / rooibos tea & toilet routine
10h15 – 11h30
Outside play
Story time / Art complete
Lunch, fruit
12h00– 13h30
Nap time or outside play
13h30 – 13h45
Toilet routine, apply sunscreen
13h30 – 14h30
Outside play
14h30 – 14h45
Sandwiches & Juice / rooibos tea
14h45 – 17h30
Outside play (wintertime – indoor play from 17h00)
6. Health:
All medicine must be handed directly to the class teacher and a medicine form must be signed by the parent. No child with a contagious illness will be allowed to come to school.
7. Food Menu:
The menu for our wholesome daily-prepared meals and out of our dedicated kitchen is displayed on notice board and is available at reception. Therefore, please do not send any lunch box / snack box with your child.
8. Birthdays:
We prefer cupcakes or something small that children won’t have difficulty eating. Healthy snacks are encouraged.
9. Progress Report:
Progress reports will be handed out to the parent (s) twice a year, in June and December.
10. Bank details:
Shere Preschool t/a Silver Stars Nursery School
First National Bank
Cheque Account
Account number: 6212 1640 537
Branch Code: 252 045