Liewe Seugnet

Dit is regtig met ‘n swaar hart dat ons as gesin totsiens se aan Silver Stars en so ook ’n belangrike era in ons lewens afsluit. Oor ’n tydperk van 5 jaar was julle so deel van ons lewens en het julle so ’n belangrike rol in ons gesin gespeel dat dit eintlik ondenkbaar is dat ons aan die einde van hierdie padjie gekom het. Aanvanklik het ons ons kinders in doeke afgelaai en met julle hulp is hulle vandag goed aangepaste kinders wat reg is vir die groot skool!

My seuns is deur baie bekwame onderwyseresse by Silver Stars wat ’n groot bydrae gelewer het tot hul opvoeding, maar vandag vandag wil ek in besonder 2 baie spesiale mense bedank: Natasha en Elsa.

Natasha, wat kan ek vir jou se om vir jou te vertel hoe dankbaar ek is vir jou? Aanvanklik was dit jou betrokkenheid by Roelof wat my net laat hoop het dat Cilliers ook in jou klas sal beland. En vandag wil ek vir jou spesiaal dankie se! Dankie vir dit wat jy vir my kinders maar ook vir my beteken het die laaste paar jaar. Ek dink vandag besonder aan jou spesiale band met Cilliers: Hoe jy hom altyd onder jou vlerk geneem het en beskerm het as hy die swartskaap was, vir hom opgekom het, vir hom ingestaan het en vir hom gefight het! Die liefde wat jy vir hom gegee het (en nogsteeds doen) en ook die tye wat jy “probeer” het om vir hom timeout te gee maar wat ek weet jy nie reg gekry het nie…. ! Vir die spesiale plekkie wat jy die laaste 3 jaar in sy lewe ingeneem het. Dankie vir die “tannie Tasha” wat jy vir hom nog altyd was. Jy het so ’n groot indruk op my klein seuntjie se lewe gemaak, en ek wil vir jou baie dankie se daarvoor.

Elsa, daar is bitter min mense soos jy! Wat kinders net “let be” en hulle net so 100% aanvaar vir wat en wie hulle is! Wat NOOIT ’n probleem sien nie en iemand waarvoor geen taak te groot is nie! Jou liefde en omgee vir die kinders is pragtig. Vir die belangrike rol wat jy speel om hulle voor te berei vir groot skool: Wow! hoe ongelooflik is jy nie? Dankie dat jy so ’n fantastiese mens is! Jy het so groot rol gespeel in my 2 seuns se lewens en dit is vir my altyd so spesiaal en pragtig om te sien hoe lief hulle vir jou is: hoe Roelof nogsteeds na jou verwys as sy Juffrou ook en hoe Cilliers al eintlik verlede jaar al net gemaklik was om by jou “uit te hang” in die middae as almal op die speelgrond speel en hy net bietjie op Tannie Elsa se skoot wil sit…. nog voor hy in jou klas was! Hoe my 2 seuns “rustiger” geword het onder jou bekwame hand…… Baie dankie Elsa!

Dankie vir die verskil wat julle in ons lewens gemaak het! Die rustigheid en vrede wat Silver Stars aan ons as ouers gegee het terwyl ons moes werk of weg was, dat ons altyd geweet het ons kinders is veilig en word goed na omgesien!

Ons is lief vir julle en gaan julle baie mis!!
Liewe Seugnet,

By Roy and Judy Michaletos

Hi All!
Silverstars Nusery School once again arranged a lovely grandma and grandpa tea this morning! The children were precious and the tea and eats were great!!! A real treat for us at 8 in the morning-not the usual oats but lovely fancy forbidden eats!!!!

It is rather sad for Roy and I because this was our last Tea at Siverstars- and we want to say a huge THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND CARE YOU HAVE ALL GIVEN OUR TWO GRANDCHILDREN over the past years….

May the school grow from strength to strength and good wishes to you all that work so hard to keep the children safe andloved at such a lovely maintained school!

Kind regards,

Roy and Judy Michaletos(Luca Schutte)

The Arbuckles

Good Morning

Just a quick email of thanks to my daughters class teacher Bianca and the two teachers assistants. When we put Bella into school this year, she was placed in the Turtle Class, us as parents were very nervous as we had never experienced having a child in school and did not know what to expect. Needless to say, our little girl has blossomed into a happy, talkative little girl. She loves her teacher “canca” as she calls her at home and loves going to school every morning. The only way we can get her into the car in the morning is to promise her she will see her “canca” and poppie.

They have done an amazing job and looked after our little treasure so well this year, we are sad that she will be leaving to move up to the butterfly class, but are sure she will only grow in leaps and bounds. So thank you to Silver Stars and all the teachers of the Turtle Class for making such an effort with our children. You do an outstanding job!
Much Love and well wishes for Christmas

Kleynhans, D. (Daleen)

Dear Seugnet, Teachers and Teacher-assistants

It’s with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye that we have to say goodbye to Silver stars.   Llewellyn’s older brother was accepted into Lynnwood Private school, close to Menlo Park and logistically, travelling in 2 different directions, will not be possible from next year on.

I wanted to keep Llewellyn at home until he was 3 years old.  His need for interaction developed faster and at 18 months, I started looking around for a suitable playschool.  I just could not find a place in the area where I felt comfortable and at peace leaving my little last born.

One Friday afternoon in August 2012, I decided to take the dirt road and visit Silver Stars as a last resort.  I was sold.  I enrolled him on the Monday morning and he started straight away.  I was impressed by the tranquil environment, small classes, high quality of staff and assistants.  The toys and other items were all of good quality and well maintained.  I value the fact that responsible, loveable care-givers are employed in the afternoons when the teachers are off duty.  This is something I could not find at any other school.

From the baby class through to Teacher Bianca, Drienie and Elsa, Llewellyn flourished and has grown into a loveable, confident and independent little boy.  He’s grown so attached to all the assistants whom have shared the teachers’ duties over the years. 

Thank you for taking care of / teaching  / loving him and helping me raise my baby.

May the school, teachers and management be blessed for many years to come.

All my Love

“Mamma-Llewellyn”  